The Digestive Difference
The Digestive Difference

The Digestive Difference
Stomach aches, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, nauseous feelings, chronic fatigue, fever, heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux, etc. are all problematic harmful gut issues that give sufferers that “all too familiar” uneasiness. Do any of these sound familiar? Have you or one of your loved ones experienced one or more of these lately? When you are feeling the aforementioned health issues, do you go to your medicine cabinet to take the latest heavily advertised pain reliever or over-the-counter medicine stomach soother? Wouldn’t you rather prevent the uncomfortable, achy, painful discomfort that has been plaguing your gut? Well, there’s good news! Not only is there good news, but there are simple methods that will enable you to completely indulge yourself in good foods which afford you the opportunity of enjoying them without the pain!!
Did you ever think that the things we do every day, multiple times a day, and what we probably take for granted could be contributing factors in achieving a better gut feeling? Water, how you eat your food, relieving stress and when you eat are all keys to improving your stomach’s health. Many times in life it’s so beneficial when we focus on the “little or inconsequential things”, and, in this case, it is no different. So, let’s venture into how these factors can positively turnaround some of the upset that we experience in our digestive processes.
First, we want to focus our attention on water consumption. Our bodies are comprised of roughly 70% of water. Water is vital for all of our body’s functions including digestion. Water empowers our cells, detoxifies impurities from our body by supporting the kidneys, assists in facilitating essential nutrients to our organs and tissues , infuses the muscles with hydration which improves functionality, compliments the brain’s productivity in communicating messages to our other internal systems, clears the congestive secretions that increase the likelihood of colds, fever and infection, prevents constipation, and it also, lessens our ability to overeat. Consequently, nutrition specialist recommend to adults to consume at least half their body weight in ounces each day of filtered water. (For example: An adult that weighs 200 lbs., should drink 100 oz. of filtered water) Children should consume their body weight in ounces each day of filtered water. (For example: A child that weighs 40 lbs., should drink 40 oz. of filtered water)
Secondly, many of us would probably not envision the way we chew food would have anything to do with diffusing digestive issues. However, our intestinal framework becomes “happy” when we choose to chew our food completely. It is prudent to chew each bite of food slowly and as finely as we can. Chewing your food until it is liquefied is ideal. As a result, the digestive system will not have to work as hard at breaking the food down. Your body won’t take as long to digest your food. Think of yourself as a blender/juicer machine. By consuming foods in a smaller liquefied manner, it allows nutrient absorption to occur easier and at a higher rate which makes your food more productive in its usage through the rest of your body’s systems. Moreover, stress is reduced and digestion is calmed.
Third on the list, stress has been a culprit for many years that has caused many detrimental effects to people’s health. The digestive system also falls victim, because stress leaves its harmful mark in its innerworkings. Everyone seems to be dealing with stress nowadays. As it is commonly known, much of our society handles stress by consuming “comfort foods” which overwhelmingly tends to be unhealthy. Unfortunately, taking this approach makes your situation doubly as bad. Not only do you have stress from dealing with the bad issues of life, but now you have compromised the ease of your digestive process. Sugar, trans-fats, high fructose corn syrup, chemical ingredients and many other harmful foods tax the intestinal tract to discomfortable levels that can lead to disease. When stress is present, then the cortisol hormone increases which produces deficiencies in the brain, blood vessel problems, weakening of the bones, increase in weight and decreasing the strength of the immune system resulting in making us sick. Therefore, it is imperative to partake of organic, healthy foods, and refuse the unhealthy foods that make you more susceptible to increasing stress on your digestive system.
Lastly, it is important when we eat and how much, because it is very significant in the body’s positive utilization of the digestive process. Everyone needs to eat breakfast after they get up from their night of rest without having eaten any food for many hours. The food we consume is our source of energy just like gasoline is to our cars. Breakfast is a great way to start your day motoring in the fast lane as opposed to being stalled in the garage. Just as important, we should consume our dinner about 2-3 hours before we go to bed. This makes it significantly easier for your intestinal tract to digest the food you’ve eaten. Additionally, there are a couple of strategies that you can implement to further lead your stomach toward a more consistent and regular path to a good gut feeling and health. Dr. William Sears suggests that people should eat twice as often, eat half as much, chew twice as long and take twice the time to dine.
So, now you won’t have to go running to the medicine cabinet as often, because you are taking proactive steps to provide your digestive system with the right foods at the right time. Being able to reduce the number of stressful issues that we have in life is invaluable, and adding the above healthful strategies can lead you to alleviating some unneeded stress. Consistently applying these healthful ideas can improve your quality of life. It is my hope that these methods will help lessen disease and stress from becoming a problem in your future.
Buckwheat Agave Nectar Rolled Oats
French Lentils Red Lentils Steel Cut Oats
Sauerkraut (Raw) Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Apple Cider Vinegar (Raw)
Pineapples Cilantro Rosemary
Sesame Seeds Oranges Unsweetened Yogurt
Multi-Vitamin Vitamin C, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium
Raw Organic Whey Protein Powder Chlorella Chaparral Extract
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